Conrad Gleber

Conrad Gleber has had a long and distinguished career in art and design for communication. He exhibits digital artwork, sound and video installations. He collaborates on exhibitions of artists' books such as one at the Baltic Contemporary Art Centre in Gateshead, England. Gleber and New York artist Duff Schweninger have produced "Dialogues with Artists in Cuba," a video documentary of their research in Cuba. He serves as the editor for two academic journals of new media, the International Digital Media & Art Association and the New Media Caucus of the College Art Association.
His sculpture, photography and artists’ books have been exhibited widely including at the Art Institute and The Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago and at The Museum of Modern Art in NYC.
Gleber earned a doctorate in educational research and taught theory and the critical issues of art and design at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida. During the summer he directed the European graphic and new media design program at the FSU Study Centre in London.
F is for. . .
screen print
edition: 30, 6 AP
image: 30"h X 22"w
14 colors
F is for... father and forest and the fruits of his many productive labors. Influenced by how we learn to read words and our environs, Gleber focuses on the letter F in a format that transcends a primary reader. This print incorpoates his technical gifts, his spiritual generosity, and his expansive curiosity.